Crying puffball

Day 31 and I thought I'd do a Flash and Photoshop combination.  Had to do another fast one as it's 20 past midnight and i need to get to work early tomorrow. My day today is going to be incredibly hectic so as a precaution, thought I'd post this one up very early.

My house smells like smoke for accidentally putting a brownie in the microwave for 2 minutes instead of 20 seconds.  I get a bit out of it when I work long hours.  Was just thinking on how sometimes you feel like crying but you don't really know the cause of it or it's just a combination of so many things that it gets difficult to pinpoint?  I get like that sometimes.  Not tonight though!  But I thought about it, so this drawing came about.  Not to worry, am not feeling sad, just a little tired.  Will be good to finish this current project before the deadline, then I will go back to concentrating on the Pilot gig and all the small jobs I have on the side.


  1. Well whenever you, I, or anyone else gets those out of the blue-blues...just looking at this adorable little guy will bring so many smiles, that those siily blues will be a thing of the past in no could they not?!
    This has to be one of my favorites.
    Best with burning the candle...and so sorry for your brownie!
    xo J~


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