
Well....a lot has been happening lately.  Work, life, events, projects, it's been a bit insane to tell you the truth and it just amped up even more today.  It's Christmas time and people want stuff done and as a freelancer, I need to deliver.  Besides that, I have to work and save, got stuff to pay for, projects to do, upcoming studies and a condom to animate.  Feeling a tiny bit...freaked out at what needs to be done.  I also need to move stuff into the new studio.  Gah!

Anyway, today's drawing was majorly rushed, it's been go, go, go since I got up.  Illustration 129.


  1. .. WHAT is that she's eating? (-_O)'

  2. Good luck and get some rest if you can ;-(
    know how you feel, but I love the illustration!


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