
Howdy all!  It is Illustration number 126 in a row.  Another fishy!  My dad said he was missing seeing these guys so I decided to make one today.  One other thing, I wont be doing any Photoshop texturing on all these fishies.  It would seem that the majority of people just like them on a plain white background or something off white.  I guess you can't really see the detail when you put textures upon textures.

Got the keys today for the studio that I will be in with a few friends this month!  Very exciting.  I am glad that work has also picked up so I can pay for all this.  Moving stuff around and settling always costs money.  I also bought a heavy duty laptop and that cost me a pretty penny.  It will be worth it though, being able to bring my work around so I don't have to be cooped up in the house all the time.  I can now do work at the studio, do some freelance work during lunchtime at school or just work at the local cafe to get some fresh air.  Summer is coming in Melbourne and my apartment can heat up pretty badly so it will be nice to find places to escape the heat.

No gym today. gym till Tuesday!  Booked out the next few days with social events and work and my personal projects in-between.  I also need to come up with an animation for this months loopdeloop.  It will have to be simple am afraid, first the theme is giving me some problems ( the theme is condoms) and I am rapidly running out of time to do anything this month.  Busy! Busy! Busy!  That said, I am sad I don't have enough cash to go interstate to see a friend get married.  I was looking forward to it but with laptop, taxes, school, studio and general living not as liquid as I would like to be.


  1. They shall hear music wherever they go! Ding-a-ling-a-ling. Superduper bones, Marta! You come up with the best ideas.

    And congratulations on all the great, wonderful things going on right now. WOOHOOO for getting into the art school! And WOW for the new studio/shop and laptop! So exciting. You are a master life juggler. :D

  2. Wow, you have tons of illustrations! I love these copic fineliner drawings, they look very pro. Nice fishes :D


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