
Illustration 137th in a row.  My entry for Illustration Friday this week, the theme being "Silent".   You all know the phrase "zip it" right?  Sometimes it's better to say nothing at all.

Geez...I am soooooooo tired. I have a bit on my plate at the moment when it comes to work and I am pretty happy as it will pay for everything (when I get paid of course, joys of a freelancer :P ).  I am a little frustrated that I can't get everything that I want done in a day.  No time to go to the gym today, rather annoyed, hoping I get a chance in the next few days.

Tonight I sleep.  I need it.


  1. Hehehehehe. I know that blank look very well, too. Aww, Marta. Please zip your eyes and get plenty of sleep!

    LOVE your new swirl animals. There are even swirls on the flamingo's skinny legs. Awesome!


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