Snail Fish

Illustration 141.  I felt like drawing a Snail Fish.  Sketched it up and inked it at the studio today.  My friends (who am doing the studio thing with) were there too and we tore down all the drapes and curtains off the walls and bought a few supplies.  The place has a lot of drapes because it used to be a bridal store.

Haven't done much work this weekend, which in a way is good.  I need to chill out from time to time.  Didn't make it to the gym though....hopefully tomorrow!


  1. me loves the snailfish!! <3 although. i wouldn't want it to swim in the same water as me and i sure as hell wouldn't eat it. :x anyhooo~! brilliantly stunning,suprising n EXCELLENT work as always you master animator. i'm totally spellbound by your illustrations n creative works,n i'll probably force you to send me a signed print of sorts when i get seh money to motivate you. <3 <3


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