Red Swirl Peacock

Illustration 130!  It's been a while since I did this style so here it is!  Today was all about work and trying to juggle different gigs.  I love having lots of stuff to do but it does do my head in occasionally.  I had to sleep earlier than normal yesterday just to re-charge a bit.  I don't have any deadlines at the moment.  Everything needs to be done ASAP.  Sigh.... I prefer deadlines.  Gives me something to focus on but on the other hand, I just need to work on whatever I feel like quickly and that will work too!

My first screen printing class is tomorrow night!  I am rather excited!


  1. Sooooooooo gorgeousssss!!! What I wouldn't give to have a tail like that. :)

    Screen printing class? Woohooo! Sounds great!


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