Some more pics from my journal

close up of doodle in journal

close up of doodle in journal
Sketchy, sketchy, sketchy!  Started a food diary again since that seems to be the only thing that can curb my sugar cravings.  It's something that holds you accountable the minute there's evidence anywhere.  This is not to say that I am depriving myself.  When there's a shindig, am all for a treat or two...however, it will become a problem if I don't keep that in check.  Just because am fit and healthy, it doesn't mean am not in danger of diabetes.  I am.  Both my mom and dad have a line of diabetes and the likelihood of me getting it is really high, simply because of genetics and I am a self-confessed sugar addict.  I would chow down boxes of oreos and wash it down with milk and maybe have a milo afterwards IF there weren't any consequences.  I remember when I finished, all by myself, with milk, a large box of cinnamon crunch in one day.  I did that in Canada and my goodness, when they say "large",they mean ridiculously humongous and I ate all of it.  All of it.  I had enough sugar in me to fuel an entire village....maybe even a city.

I love keeping fit, exercising and pushing boundaries with the body but I also want to eat myself to death via sweets when I decide it's time to retire and the diabetes won't matter anymore, cos let's face it, not much time left anyway.  That is, if I live to a ripe old age.  I am liable to work myself to death before that even happens.  Then, there's the whole diabetes thing.  I don't want to start injecting myself with insulin by the time am in my 40s and 50s, even my 60s!  I can still do so much at that age (if nothing accidental happens, God willing and fingers crossed).  I would like to still keep travelling, keep creating when am that age.  I want to keep doing stuff till am just not physically capable of it anymore...and when that happens......ALL THE OREOS IN THE WORLD WILL BE MINE!!!!  Or whatever I can fit in my mouth at the time.


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