Urban Sketching: Royal Arcade Bourke Street

Finished arcade!
Me at the cafe colouring

Al most time for the sketch pictures!

Am taking shots too!

Royal Arcade sketching group!
Hi!  Totally awesome day today!  Urban Sketching, out and about!  My piece took me almost 4 hours to do!  It was madness.  I was at this cafe in one spot the whole time.  The waitress loved the piece (but couldn't afford the original) so I let her take a photo of it.  Ah well!  She was nice enough not to ask for the table back even when the cafe got very busy so all good! 

A good day today but I ended up feeling sick for drawing too long, without a break, so only one sketch done today and am busy tomorrow with sorting out my taxes and seeing friends for a BBQ in the afternoon so I may not get a chance to draw tomorrow either.  Oh well.  It will all work itself out.

My parents came over today and mum helped me cook which was lovely!  I don't enjoy cooking when I have other things to do I guess...and dinner tonight was very good!


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