Urban Sketching: Drawing cosplayers and interesting folk at Oz Comincon 2016

Hi!  This all happened yesterday Saturday June 11 2016.  It was an awesome day, full of drawing, food and good company.  I was the organizer for the Melbourne Urban Sketchers for this event and I am happy to say that everyone present seemed to enjoy their time, a lot.  So, yay!

I thought,t hat given the interesting folk at the con, that it would be better to draw the people. The building will always be there but not the people, so thought to draw the folks this time.  It was fun and challenging because people kept moving.  It did get easier the more I did it but I kept going but I didn't get one realistic face all day, I went straight back to my default drawing style, since I had to draw so quickly!  Good practice though.  Perhaps I should do more?

Here are some pics from the con!  By Erik Sentell and myself.

Me and Evelyn! photo by Erik Sentell

photo by Erik Sentell

Erik with our cosplaying sketchers!

GROUP SHOT photo by Erik Sentell

My only pic of a cosplayer  and my drawing.

At the cafe early before meeting the sketchers!
Evelyn Yee and her Batman! Photo by Erik.


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