Daifuku!!! Kawaii!!!!!

Day 75 of illustrating everyday.  Posting this one up early as I have a busy day ahead of me.

I am so in love with the Japanese treat: daifuku.  My favourite is the green tea flavoured one.  Daifuku or Daifukumochi is a glutinous rice cake with a sweet filling.  Mmm...I find them delicious.  Every time I receive a plate  that only holds one single solitary Daifuku I think how cute and pudgy it looks. Sometimes you wonder whether or not I want to eat it or take it home and turn it into a pet until it inevitably decomposes or turns into another entity....but then I think what a horrible waste that would be and it would be a downright tragedy to let such a sweet thing get moldy and rotten..so I eat it! Anyway, I think it is the cutest looking dessert.  I tend to pat it a little before scarfing it down.  Am weird like that.

This piece is done entirely in Flash.


  1. He's cute!! I wanna bite half his face off.

  2. Adorable! I can see why you'd want to adopt him! Nothing wrong with patting confections...I think they like it.
    xo J~


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