Little Bath

Day 71 of illustrating straight everyday!  Woo hoo!  Less than 30 to make a 100...pretty awesome! I really like this piece!  I find that most baths are ill-fitted to peoples sizes and shapes or there's just not enough hot water to fill up the tub but...I still enjoy a nice warm bath when I can!  I really appreciate relaxation as I rarely do it.

Today is me mostly working in a non-stressed manner, perhaps something exciting will come up tonight?  You never know these days.  I've been enjoying the spontaneity of just calling people and doing something or being called and invited to shindigs!  It's been a lot of fun and am looking forward to more!
This was done with Copic pens, fineliners and coloured in Photoshop!


  1. congrats on 71 days illstrating straight :O ! amazing, Good job and keep it up trooper! p.s I looove baths too, the most relaxing thing ever, but the last one I had one was more than a year ago :(

  2. I agree with you about baths - I love them, but have never found one that's big enough, somebody should really do something about it! :)

    Veronika (


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