
Forgive the lousy photographs, it is night time and I only have yellow lights in the entire house.  Pretty annoying when wanting to take a shot of the work. The piece isn't this yellow, I assure you.

This is one time I wish I left the work in black and white..I think it looked better previously.  Ah well. I also sold some more fish bone prints today!  Very happy, I really need to get on with organizing that exhibition... along with a million other things!


  1. I love your colour selection. Again a beautifully executed sketch and style. Congratulations on your sales.
    Have a great weekend

  2. Actually i think the yellow looks beautiful; the bluebells just pop out on the page. it’s beautifully done Marta.

  3. Too yellow, or not: this is beautifully done!

  4. Well, the yellow looks if the 'Bluebells' are swimming in sunshine...they are FANTASTIC!
    xo J~

  5. I agree with the rest, I like it with the yellow. What is the thought process you go through to get such ideas, like what influences/inspires you to draw such mystical things? :)


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