Teacup Fish

I am wrecked today!  I had to put up one of my older pieces now, just too exhausted to make a new one am afraid.  This week has been abysmal for drawing and for my fish bone pieces.  I still have one in the studio that is unfinished.  I have a bit of freelance am trying to make good headway on before school starts next week.  I am well and truly depleted from exercise today too.  I think it may have been my best session yet. 

Anyway, am tired and need an early night.  Feeling better about some things which is good.  Freelancing and study....then paying off my school fees through tax.  Yay.


  1. fabulous fish,even if it is an oldie., i guess these fishies never go bad? ;) anyho - brilliant work! always a joy to go through your blog x3'

  2. OMG! so much has been going on over here! and i missed it all! where have i been!! (just working) i’m loving discovering all the posts i missed actually, it’s great fun. I love your tea cup fish, and totally fell in love with your lantern fish!
    xo sandra


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