First day of School.....again.

Howdy!  How is everyone?  Well today was my first day back in school...after 10 years.  I am currently studying a few days a week at AIE.  Wheeeee!  Well, it's pretty good so far.  I am not the oldest but I would say I came pretty close...though I think I blend in pretty well with this crowd.  Too soon to tell at the moment.  Anyway, no 3D today, instead we had some Photoshop action.  Things I don't really use Photoshop for which is pretty awesome cause I get to review a few things and learn about the capabilities about some of the functions of Photoshop that I do not use.  For instance, I never generate anything out of Photoshop.  I always use it to enhance things I have already drawn.

The first image was me trying to follow the tute exactly and the second is me doing it again but with my own spin on it.  I forgot to download the tutorials though so I can't explore anymore tonight but I will remember to pick it up tomorrow.  I'm not used to the different steps so I need to practice a bit more.  This was a tute for creating GUI's (graphical user interface), which are essentially buttons.

As far as I can tell, things are going to be fast paced if todays' tutorials is anything to go by.  Everyone does seem nice and I do like the lecturer but again, today is only the first day so it's much to early to tell how the year is going to go.  There are windows to toss people out off though....which may or may not be a good thing.  

I am feeling a little fried, but it's good to get back into the swing of things.  Off to do more painting now and get away from the computer a bit.  I have all day for that tomorrow.  Then training!  Gotta keep active!  I may even skip rope tonight before bed.  Here's hoping...


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