Clown Fish

Ayuh, got an emergency last minute gig due tomorrow morning to do tonight so no time to draw anything new today.  This is a piece I finished a few months ago and an A4 print of it is on sale at Squishface Studio!  Wheeee!  Scary, isn't he?  In an endearing sort of way of course.

I was a bit petulant and childish last night over a few things, I lost some clarity but after today I feel I have a bit more perspective after some hardcore training. Best advice I could give anyone, when the brain feels cluttered, messy and unreasonable...exercise. 

Okay!  Back to work. This animation wont finish itself and I have school tomorrow!


  1. i knew you’d post something excellent today, just had to come by to take a look and say hi :)
    xo sandra

  2. I know I'm afraid of clowns and getting a fish bone stuck in my throat. Cool!


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