Upcoming Little Deities Exhibition

Hello hello!

Well, this is my deity, all finished up at Squishface Studios and submitted for the Little Deities Exhibition that is happening on March 08!  It’s curated by the amazing Daniel Atkinson and it involves about 60 different artist each making a little deity of their own.  Come to the opening at  No Vacancy Gallery , QV Building - 34-40 Jane Bell Lane (enter from Russell St), from 6:00pm-9:00pm.  It’s going to be a sight to behold! So if you're in Melbourne next Thursday, come to the opening!

Photo above was taken by Justin Foo.  Check his work out on his blog as it’s pretty awesome!

Oh and that's eggshells covering the baby.  Yup.  I made the God of Eggs.  Isn't he cute?  I can't wait to see him next to all the other little deities at the exhibition, it's going to be so rad! 

It has been a busy day already and it's not even noon yet! 


  1. God of Eggs! I LOVE it!! He's adorable, with his little yellow baby hands and feet--and all those shells--cracks me up!! ;)
    Cute picture, too :)

  2. Hahahaha! God of Eggs! Love it! Heeheeheee! Looks great! And oooh, what a treat to see you and your beautiful smile. Wonderful photo!

  3. HI MARTA YOU LOOK SO SWEET!!!!! :)))))

  4. AWESOME god of eggs!!x//3' he's also so cute!i can imagine how the shells covering his body would crack n fall to the floor if he was to be hugged with too much love. x//3' me love. n you- you look really cute as well!:D


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