IF: Popularity (aka Half a Dozen Roses)

Did you know that if you give someone 6 red roses it means " I want to be yours".  It would certainly increase your popularity with that person.  My first school of flower fish.  Did you guys notice the bunnies?  It's nice to travel with company.

I went and sold my zine and a print of this image at a zine fair today.  I've never done it and I had a great time and sold a few things too.  Anyone interested in this print?  There are still some left!  Send me an email and we'll work something out ;)  I did find it interesting that people didn't notice that they were fish.  I shall label the signage next time.  I am thinking of releasing a limited edition picture book of this series.  I am currently working on a pair of Bluebell fish.

I also trained today.  I had McDonalds before training.  Note to self, never have that junk ever again.  Meh, I was silly and in a rush to get back to the Zine fair.  I paid for it at training though.

Much work needs to get done tomorrow...I think I may have an early night and just get right into it.  Need to do some stuff in the afternoon though before places close.


  1. Took a second look to see the fish and a third to see the rabbits. Great work. I also love your show reel : ]

  2. Bravo and congratulations on your sales. Your clients now posses beautiful art work.

  3. Haha wow, what an awesome painting. I did notice they were fish, but only after a double take. I did not notice the bunnies until I read the description but what cute bunnies! Beautiful details and shading and really great depth of color. Congratulations on the fair sales!

  4. Wow, this is so interesting and unique. I am quite mesmerized. I saw the fish right away but not the bunnies. Very nice work and thanks for the comments on mine. :)

  5. This is GREAT! I can't believe some people didn't notice the fish. The bunnies make it for me, though. Again...GREAT work!!!

  6. This is GREAT! Colored pencil?

    I spotted the fish right away but I'm glad you told us about the rabbits. Thanks for the "tip" about half-a-dozen, I didn't know that :).

  7. I noticed the fish before I noticed they were roses, but it took me longer to realize that the "thorns" were the fish bones. Wonderful imagination!

  8. Oh, Marta! They're fantastic! Gorgeous bunch/school! The colors are vibrant. I think the best paintings are ones where you see more and more, the longer you look at it.

    And your school projects are pretty darn cute, too. :D

  9. WOW! so fabulous, love the fish, I had to look again for the bunnies. Love this.

  10. this is absolutely brilliant!!!
    wow i soooo want to give those roses to my love ;)


  11. Really good job, It's so original, the fishbones hidden like roses..! And the bunnies are lovely :) Very colorful all!

  12. gaaahwd.., you brilliant animator of wonders.(*//*)

  13. Fantastic! Love the way you've hidden images in there - espcially the fish skeleton foliage! What is a Zine Fair? Hope this isn't a dumb question...

  14. Great image - and what does it mean when you offer someone a boquet of six fish? I want to cook you dinner? I'd say yes!


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