Tooth Dilemmas

Ayuh....visited the dentist today and it cost me an arm and a leg.  Yikes. I have been a bit slack with the whole seeing a dentist every 6 months thing.  Costs, time and I don't find a dentist visit pleasant are all contributing factors for my dropping the ball on that one.  Why is the cost of healthiness so expensive? Gah!  I was told to get an electric toothbrush by my dentist too...that cost the other arm and leg.  Grrrrr......but since I am not too keen on the idea of having dentures by the time am 50, I'll listen to the specialist.


  1. You often do these cool, painterly/organic kind of backgrounds and I've been meaning to ask about them, but I see from your labels it is likely Photoshop. This girl is very cute and I'm sorry she is bummed about teeth things.

    (Also, omg, so sorry about the dentist. I can totally relate, having spent far more cash in that area than I like to think about. And, I have tried an electric toothbrush but eeek, did not work for me.)

  2. Aww, poor little girl. Love the great background.

    So sorry to hear about your oral woes. :((( Ouch. Really sucks that good health costs a lot of money.


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