#cc3333, #339933 and #336699

Day 08 of illustrating straight.  Woo hoo!   This week will be interesting though as that pilot job am working on will be ramping up and it is one of the harder jobs I've ever worked on.  Looks so frickin awesome though!  I suspect that when it's done, it will be one of the jobs that I will be proud to say I worked on.  This was all illustrated in Flash using the colours:#cc3333, #339933 and #336699 which was the theme for this weeks "Art Jumble Blog".    

I will need to start illustrating in Illustrator too.  It just takes so darn long though compared to when I draw it up in Flash.

I went to a bookstore that was closing down today.  It is one of my favourite bookstore's too.  It made me feel really sad that they are closing.  Most of the bookstores I know are closing down and I wonder if it's because of competition with the internet.  It's just that buying books in an actual store is so expensive compared to when I buy it online.  Also ,while the Australian dollar is high, it's probably a smart thing to do.  That said, I bought a lot of books today and most of them were fashion books.  I do love fashion design and illustration.  Always have.  I can't sew though....it was something that scared me off taking a fashion design course.  That and I loved painting and drawing more so I took Visual Arts and Animation instead.  A part of me is thinking of doing a course in fashion though.  It would be awesome to design clothes and make them and then wear them!


  1. One of my favourite book shops in my city closed down few months ago and I still miss it, I used to love spending hours in there, just browsing through books and then walking out with far too many that I wasn't going to buy but ended up just having to have them :) One day I'm going to open my own bookshop and just move in there permanently :)

  2. Hi, the illustration is great.

    Too bad about the bookstores. Where I live most bookstores sell magazines, self-help and investment books. I wouldn't mind if they'd close down actually, in exchange for a proper book store. I read an article about a book store in Auckland that's struggling as well, because most Australians order their books from the US now, because of the exchange rate.
    Mhm, in Germany there book prices are regulated so small stores can compete, they should have that world-wide. Sorry for the rant.


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