IF: Perennial

Day 24 out of 183 and this is my submission for Illustration Friday, the theme: Perennial.  To be honest I had no idea what to draw until a friend on facebook suggested I draw a circle.  So here it is!  Couldn't just draw normal circle you know! Done with fine liners, and scanned into Photoshop.

I am really pressed for time today.  Work looks like it's picking up and I am busy now but looks like I will be even busier soon.  Just how I like it.  There were a few months this year where I was not as busy and I did miss it.  The juggling of projects, personal work and social life.  I always feel like I need to be doing something or I get very agitated and fidgety.  Having money from the gigs will be awesome too once I get paid :P  It will cover all those books I bought at Readers Feast.  Life of a freelancer you know.  Irregular pay and jobs but I do enjoy it.  Beats working in a job I hate, methinks.  I get that sometimes it's a necessity and people get freaked out over lack of security.  I get freaked out over lack of security but for me, and maybe it's because I don't have kids or anything or a mortgage, I think doing what I love, despite the fact it's a roller coaster ride, is worth it.


  1. Oh, what a clever interpretation of IF prompt, love it. I so wanted to start doing illustrations for IF again but when I saw the prompt for this week I just felt totally uninspired so I'm skipping it again, booo! :)

  2. What a biologically-diverse circle. Nice take on the prompt!

  3. really nice! a great take on the prompt.

  4. Great energy. I foresee some serious indigestion.

  5. i have missed IF, so very nice to see some nice work here, i just love the idea of a "not normal circle"! :D

  6. I love this approach to the perennial prompt, & could really identify with the obsessive one as well.

    My perennial problem is an obsession with time-consuming projects, & animation is probably the craziest thing I've taken on! It's going very, very slowly... but I do enjoy it!

  7. Love your take on the word this week. Lots of energy, cool colors!


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