Lucky Cats

Day 18 of drawing straight and drew up these lucky cats all in Flash using textured bitmaps to colour in the cats.  Lots of fun but the textures made Flash crash twice though.  Bleh!  I have a collection of lucky cats at home.  I love them!  They're so cute and I like what they symbolize though I don't believe in it but as lucky charms go...well, these guys are much cuter than horseshoes and four leaf clovers.

Was a bit busy today with working on the pilot, meeting with some possible and awesome new clients...more will be said if I actually get the gig... and I met up with a friend in the evening. 

I also some exciting news, I got featured on Design Montage and the article was written by the lovely Jenica Smith.  There are also a lot of fantastic talent featured on that blog too.

Busy day tomorrow, got to pump out some footage!


  1. Those cats look so happy, like you've just given them complete control over how much cream they're allow to eat :D
    Love the textures, I'm going to do some playing around with those today too, so much fun! :)


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