Cool Attendant

Day 17 and only 166 more drawings to go.  I based this drawing on a girl who greeted me at the gym today.  I thought she looked cool with her purposely messy hair and nose ring.  I drew this on the train on the way home with just a fine liner.  Was done really quickly.  Then scanned in and brought into Photoshop for colouring and background.  I bought a couple of pattern books with copyright free patterns on my book buying binge at the closing down Reader's Feast, so I have been playing around with the backgrounds using those and the rough textures I have been collecting.

Busy day today and it's looking even busier tomorrow...


  1. The girl looks so happy :)
    I like the background as well, I'm enjoying playing with some backgrounds at the moment as well and love the process, so many possibilities! :)

  2. great, I love the hair, it's a bit princess leia :)

  3. looks great, you have a really cool style. love pen sketches :)


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