IF: Stay


Day 11 out of 183 days. Yup from July 1 to December 31 of this year is a 183 days...so the goal is to reach 183 posts.  Holy crud...what on earth did I embark on?  Too late now! This is my entry for Illustration Friday, the theme being "stay".  Boy, did I just want to stay in bed today and sleep in the warmth and comfort underneath my doona.  Alas, there is no rest for the busy and I was very busy today.  A meeting in the morning, a house inspection in the afternoon and dinner in the evening and I worked in-between everything too.  I didn't get everything I wanted to get done today though!  It makes me feel all panicky!

This illustration was done with copic pens and a brush pen.  Then brought into photoshop for some textures and touch ups.  This is the first illustration I've used my coloured copics on!

Oh, I forgot to mention I went to Reader's Feast again and bought more books.  I love art books!  I bought a couple of Typography books, a fashion book and a book of textures....which I will be using on my illustrations shortly.  My wallet is hurting though.....but books are a great resource and a great source of inspiration.  I really like the raw illustration style of Kat Macleod that I found in the book "What on earth are you wearing" by Michi girl.  This illustration was slightly inspired by her works but with my own style put into it.


  1. great job with the markers. i love the cheeks!

  2. I like the angle you've taken - the view from above. Great hair.

  3. Heisann! It's holiday and I can stay in bed as long as I want, nice illustration ;:OD)

  4. Nice! She looks so warm and cozy :)


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