Still-life drawing at the local cafe

Hehehehehehe.....I haven't done still life since I graduated from Visual Arts in Monash about 12 years old!  I like my salt shaker and I don't mind the pepper grinder.  Sugar bowl needs work.  Ah well!  I drew this at the local cafe today.  I needed a break from the computer.  This was done using Smiggle colour pencils and Faber Castel pens.  

This is Day 19 of drawing everyday till December 31.  Only 164 days to go! 

The folks at the local cafe also asked if I wanted to display and sell my artwork at their joint.  That was really cool and very flattering.  I am not too sure what to do yet though.  Is digital and printing and framing that out cheaper than painting on actual canvasses?  Should I have a theme?  I am erring towards painting on canvas and doing whatever I please...then again, perhaps I will just do a combination!  I don't know about prices or anything like that as of yet, I am just pleased that someone thought my doodles are good enough to display in their establishment.


  1. Brilliant, you should definitely do something about that offer, your work is really good, go for it.
    I've been playing on canvas some more as well, I love the way you can just gesso the whole painting if you don't like it and start again :)


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