3D Ruins and Bonsai tree


Bonsai Tree

This week at 3D school was all about speed week.  We are given exercises that needs to be done at an allocated time to the best our abilities while fulfilling the requirements.  The Bonsai tree took the whole day today while the Ruins was the project for yesterday (Thursday) afternoon.  Thursday morning, we were making footballs.  No one is going to see that.  My football was hideous in my opinion so that is totally not going up on the blog.

I enjoy making textures.  I really do.  I am still having trouble with UV unwrapping and but am learning how to manipulate my textures on the UV editor pretty quickly. Amazing what you can figure out under pressure.  When you're doing a job in a rush, finding shortcuts and playing to strengths is the only way to go. Anyone who has ever worked on a production line knows this.   I look forward to the day I can comfortably cheat in Maya because right now I don't know enough about the program to know what I can and cannot get away with.  I also need to practice more lighting.  It's still a bit sucky.  My modelling needs major work too.

I am pretty happy with the textures of the Ruins but I had no time to finesse my models.  The Bonsai tree, I am pretty happy with the modelling and the bark texture but the leaves are shocking.  I can do so much better than that.  I rushed it big time in Photoshop and essentially whacked it on my poor tree.   Well, what are you going to do?  If time runs out, just have to present the best thing I can in limited time.

I've only been sleeping for 4 hours a night since Tuesday, it's been a very busy few days.  My exhaustion showed today at training too and I fell down a few steps at the train station on the way home.  No injuries, so it's all good.  I must be getting old.  
Anyway, shower, food, some chill out time and sleep!!!! 


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