
Been a while since I drew a dude, so here he is!  Thought I'd practice some posing and line work.  I used a 0.1 fine liner on Canson paper and then Photoshopped it for texture and slight colouring.  I've been doing a lot of thinking and battle plans lately on how to approach certain hurdles.  Only now that the craziness, for the moment, is over can I actually sit down and think about things properly.

It has been a busy few days because of school assessment and me trying to get it looking as good as I possibly could.  Paid off though.  I am now ahead since I submitted before the due date and can have a head start on the next project.  Something I sorely need as the next one is to model all my designs.  I am looking forward to it!

Been doing some freelancing too and hoping to get more gigs.  Anyone out there need illustration and animation work done? 


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