Cobweb Fish and other news!

Howdy!  This was one of the drawings I finished inking last night during drawing night at Squishface Studios.  It's not finished yet as I would like to colours it, probably with copic pens or watercolours.  I also managed to finish inking my new Steampunk Fish too, hoping to watercolour that up on Saturday!

Tonight was the opening for the Little Deities exhibition too and it was awesome!!!!  It was packed to the rafters and everyone had a great time!  I would like to thank my friends and parents for coming to support the exhibition too.  I was so pleased that my God of Eggs was well-received.

Tough day at school.  I don't know enough about Maya to be quick enough or to figure out certain things went it all goes wrong.  It just takes time and practice...something I intend to do before I go back to class next week.  I haven't had much time to study at home lately and I've decided to allocate a day and a half within the week to just sit down, go through the tutes and just have a proper play around with the modelling tools and features.  I am finding modelling to be a pretty steep learning curve right at the moment and if there is anything I hate's incompetency and I need to take measures to rectify this.


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