Steampunk Adora

Hello, hello!  I got contacted by a person in America that was getting artists all over the world to create pictures of his daughter.  I thought it would be good fun to do so I said yes and did a Steam punk version.  The link to the site is:

The day was a bit more chilled out.  Did a bit of freelance and waiting for feedback before going onto the next bit.  Got more original fish bone paintings scanned, bought some office stuff and will now be playing with Maya before catching up with friends.  A good day thus far.


  1. Hahahaha! Awwwwww, so CUTE! I'm loving the steampunk, both on her and your awesome fish!

  2. Oh my goodness, I was just talked about Adora with another artist who was asked to do a portrait! I did mine many months ago. I wish I'd waited longer since my art has improved since then. But it's a cool project and I love your steampunk version with the steampunk teddy and the great almost superhero color scheme. So cute!


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