
Hehehehe, I wanted to draw someone wearing sunnies and Illustration Friday's theme this week is "Shades".  I only used a red fineliner for this piece.  Been trying out drawing with blue and red fineliners the last few days.  I am really enjoying it.  It's a bit of fun and the look is quite different to using black fineliners.

I got on the exercise bike today and cycle for 40 minutes to make 21 km.  It was tiring....and I actually needed to have a nap today which is very very rare for me.  I also keep getting hungry so am not too sure if my metabolism has sped up quite a bit today.  Another busy day tomorrow with picking up supplies, contacting places to display my work, doing stuff at the studio and training!


  1. Talk about attitude, just a hint of sneer! I think the red fineliner looks really cool. Great job with the blowing hair, probably my favorite part.

  2. Good use of stipple technique, and I agree with Cindy D.--she's got attitude! Nice work!

  3. Hey, she looks great, Marta. Nice drawing.

    Oh wait... let me take off my rose-colored glasses... no... still looks great!

  4. Oh, I like this one :)
    I haven't done IF for ages, I should really get back into it.

  5. Very cool! Great lines. I can feel the breeze too!

  6. Its interesting how using another colour other than black can make such a dramatic difference - I would never have thought of using a red felt tip pen - I'm partial to black myself - although I have used purple and that gives it a whole different feel again. Its great to be reminded to think outside the safe little boxes we put our creative selves in...

  7. Wow! You are a bundle of talented energy! Love your enthusiasm and your work. Great one!


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