Anime Chick

Howdy all!  It is now day 98 of drawing straight everyday!  Woo hoo! I just felt like drawing something Anime.  It has been a while since I dabble with this style.

Well, things have been going well work-wise this week.  I have a quick job to do tomorrow Sunday for a Monday deadline and I want to finish my current shot for this pilot...and maybe some illustration work.  Am I still looking for stuff?  Always.  Until contracts are signed and totally approved, I don't like stopping the search.  I am not comfortable putting all my eggs in one basket.  To be honest, I still get nervous when I only have two baskets. 

I need to take a proper day off where am not talking to clients or planning out jobs.  Maybe in the middle of the week if I get tons of stuff done....I still need to buy my make-up for Armageddon! I am also planning to attend the Melbourne Zombie Shuffle!  I love dress ups!

Drawing done with copic fineliners and Photoshop.


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