
Howdy.  Soooo...the Rabbit doesn't always win the fight in my drawings, everyone loses at some point.  I spent most of the day updating my Red Bubble page and putting up all the best drawings I've done in the last few months.  Check it out! http://www.redbubble.com/people/firerabbit 

Gosh, trying to update everything and have a presence on the web is hard work. I still have a few profiles to update.  It is insane!  Good to spend a day on it though I must admit.  Also started watching Naruto again which is nice.  Am relaxing this weekend, more or less, and then next week am going to pound through work.  Need to spend a bit of hours on it and look for more jobs simultaneously....in about a week.  I have a real tough shot that requires some major concentration.

Drawing done with copic fineliners and coloured in Photoshop.  Day 92 of illustrating everyday!


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