Zombie Lady

 Illustration 120.  Whoops was really in a rush today to put something up since I don't know what my movements will be later and I didn't want to be thinking of putting a drawing up for today later.  The Zombie Shuffle is today and the weather is currently miserable. Ah well :)  Hopefully things are better later.

I just put my foot in my mouth recently and said something that I didn't realize was a secret, I don't recall being told that it was something that could not be said anyway.  Feel a bit bad about it and have apologized but not sure what else to do.  Mmm...hopefully things settle down soon.


  1. Whoa, you are just go, go, go! Hehehehe, I like this one. What is the Zombie Shuffle????

  2. It's so great to catch up with your blog and see all the awesome drawings you've done while I've been away from blogging. Love the colors for the background on this one but wouldn't like to meet the zomby lady :D

    Veronika (http://www.constantworkinprogress.com)


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