Spoon Fish

Day 107 of drawing everyday!  This is a drawing I did at my friends place yesterday with copic fineliners and copic pens and I just finished it up today in Photoshop.  I have decided that I would love to do an exhibition of these fishbone series....soooo all the ones I do at a larger scale (A3 to A2 sizes) won't be going up on the blog.  At the moment, only the tests are going up though I am going to be selling good quality prints of these as quite a few people have expressed interest.   I am only putting the low resolution versions up on the blog right now. 

Today I visited my accountant who is now doing my taxes for me, went to the gym, I created and handed in character designs for approval and that's now gone off to a committee, I saw my parents and after I put this post up I need to work on an illustration gig and finish off a walk cycle for the pilot gig and it is already 5pm.  Busy, busy, busy.  My days have been very lately.  I don't think I will shut down till about 2am tonight.

My mom also brought me long pieces of wood today and am going to try doing the style I did for Blue Jay and Red Squirrel traditionally.  I do love painting.  I would love to do an exhibition where both traditional and one of original pieces are displayed along with my digital work.

A long week ahead with work, gym, drawing, birthdays and Armaggedon!


  1. Spoon Fish! And Fur Fish! Oh wow, Marta, these are excellent! You have such a great imagination. Love the teacups here. And the fur is awesome!

    Ooooh, I could hug you. YES, that IS a mochi! Yummmmmm.


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