Giraffe Cheesecake

Howdy! Illustration 117th in a row.  So today was my interview for that 3D course and I think it went rather well.  I asked tons of stuff except for when I find out about the results.  Silly me.

Anyhoo, after the interview I went and met a friend of mine and we went to the "Giraffe cafe" and they had the dessert menu on the board and one of the items was "Giraffe Cheesecake".  The thing is, the cheesecake looked nothing like a giraffe nor was there anything remotely giraffe like to it.  So...I thought I'd draw it up!

Oh...afterwards I also went to the gym to work off the sweets.  Yup...I need to go to the gym more.  I need to spend Saturday working.  Today was pathetic and tomorrow I have errands to run.  Sigh.

Going to do a few more A3 fish bone drawings soon...


  1. You should illustrate their whole menu! Love this...showing to my giraffe loving nephew asap!
    xo J~


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