
A cute and simple design today.  Was trying to work today but wasn't really into it. Got some stuff done though!  The Zombie shuffle, which is essentially a parade of zombies going from one area to another in the city, was tons of fun yesterday.  I want to join again next year and put more effort on my costume.  Some of these people were mental!

Illustration 121 in a row.


  1. Hehehe, cute as he is, I wouldn't want to encounter him tonight. :)

    The Zombie Shuffle sounds AWESOME! Hahahaha! What a sight that must be!

  2. I agree, the zombie shuffle sounds very fun. This is a cute drawing. I like how the bat wanted to put on a costume, too!

  3. I wonder if he's flying around out there this very second trying to steal all the candy from the trick or treaters......it kind of looks like that might be what he's up to!
    Oops, there's another knock...have to go!
    xo J~


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