
Day 109 of illustrating everyday.  I felt like drawing the Pink Bunny again for Illustration Friday!  I haven't been very consistent lately in submitting to Illustration Friday.  Sometimes I am more inspired by other ideas rather than a specified theme.

Well, I got that walk cycle approved for that pilot gig I'm animating for!!!  Hurray!  My new animated loop is also doing well but please click on a star or five if you like it!  I am also coming up with a lot more fish bone illustration ideas.  I am very inspired by that theme at the moment.  It would be awesome to have an exhibition next year and it's great to have finally found a theme after all these drawings.  I seem to have developed a few styles which I really like.

Illustration is done in Flash.


  1. Congrats on your 109th day of illustrations!! Good for you. I adore this happy illustration. Very well done indeed. Great work!
    Thanks so much for stopping by.

  2. Hahahaha, LOVED your animation. Oooh, those eyeballs! 5 stars!!!

    It's good to see Pink Bunny out of costume. She's not as scary with the balloons. Just darn cute! :D

  3. wow 109 days?! good effort! love this guys expression! :P


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