Toughen Up!

Day 94 of illustrating everday.  It has been a very interesting last few months, turbulence all around but I can't say that there hasn't been a lot of enjoyable and satisfying times too. That said the last few months got me thinking that perhaps I should change my personality a bit and be harder...and less accommodating.  I don't know what it is, I make time for people cause I can.  I know how to juggle my time, am a freelancer and am good at what I do.  I don't know how people perceive that I guess.

This was done with copic fineliners and coloured in Photoshop.


  1. She looks fearsome! :)
    It can be really difficult to find a right balance between being accommodating and helpful and being able to know when it's right to say no to someone. I think there always comes a time when we just know that we're being either too helpful for our own good or too closed and unwilling to compromise our time so go with your gut feeling, it almost never fails :)

    Veronika (

  2. Heisann!
    Put on your walking shoes, bring with your camera or paper and pen and document what you see on October 9 and link to my blog!
    More information:

    Join us ;:OD)
    Comment on my post on Sunday, and I collect the links and make a new post on Monday!


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